Eco dashboard changes traveller behaviour.


A leading professional services company wanted to take action to reduce their impact on the environment. Having already reduced their carbon emissions for each employee by 36%, the next phase of their sustainability strategy involved creating greater accountability at an individual level. They needed a powerful visual tool to make travellers aware of their individual impact and provide them with a solution to create positive change.

The power of context.

We knew from experience that simply providing visibility of personal emissions would have limited success. To really drive change we needed to give a fuller picture. The Business Travel Advisory worked to bring critical context, aligning emissions with real activity. For instance, the number of smart phones that could have been powered, or homes that could have been run based on the traveller’s individual emission levels.

Our recommendation.

A highly visual, personalised carbon emission dashboard for business travel activity, designed to enable employees to take personal accountability for their environmental footprint, changing behaviour to reduce emissions as well as delivering access to a simple mechanism to offset those that remained.

Real opportunity for change.

We knew from experience that simply providing visibility of personal emissions would have limited success. To really drive change we needed to give a fuller picture. The Business Travel Advisory worked to bring critical context, aligning emissions with real activity. For instance, the number of smart phones that could have been powered, or homes that could have been run based on the traveller’s individual emission levels.

Getting it absolutely right

Our client had already made great strides with their corporate emission reductions and had an active sustainability working group in place. To ensure that the travel emission reduction dashboard aligned with their wider sustainability objectives, and had the greatest chance of success upon launch, we worked closely with key stakeholders.

Global facilities manager.

Project Role:
Owner of travel

Key Involvement:
Providing access to all travel data for complete visibility, from air to taxi.

Managing director.

Project Role:
Executive sponsor for green initiatives.

Key Involvement:
Ensuring alignment with wider green strategy.

Office manager.

Project Role:
Internal communication.

Key Involvement:
Making sure messages reached the right people and landed at the right time, such as the decision to launch during the firms Green Month for maximum relevance and impact.

Marketing department.

Project Role:
Brand guardians.

Key Involvement:
Ensuring the dashboard was on brand, making it feel like it belonged to the business for maximum engagement.

The result.

  • Clear visibility of the environmental impact of travel
  • Travellers empowered to easily offset their own travel
  • Practical alternatives for carbon emission reduction
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“For the first time, our employees are empowered to reduce their carbon footprint thanks to visual dashboards that make data relatable”

Global Investment Firm